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Hay, Straw & Haylage are available for delivery or collection
Course & Meadow Hay
Premium Small Bales (125cm x 35cm x 51cm)
50% Larger than a standard size conventional bale
average 30 bales to a tonne £8
Round Bales (122cm) 240kg £45
Premium Hay Large Square Bales (80cm x 70cm x 245cm) 240kg £45
Laminitic Hay Large Square Bales (80cm x 70cm x 245cm) 240kg £30
Top Quality Timothy & Ryegrass Haylage
Meadow Haylage
2nd cut Large Round Haylage 300 kg £45
1st cut Premium Large Square Haylage (80cm x 70cm x 150cm) 260kg £45
2nd cut High Fibre Large Square Haylage (80cm x 70cm x 150cm) 260kg £45
Barley Straw
Large Bales (125cm x 35cm x 51cm)
50% Larger than a standard size conventional bale
average 40 bales to a tonne £6

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